The reason for this, is that we bought in bulk for our supply. We have large 1 and 5 gallon containers of the Nexxus Aloe Rid which we use to to pump out the 5 ounces of shampoo into our own generic bottles. We do, however, only have the Old Style Aloe Rid in stock.
The bar code for this shampoo is 05592 16035. Any other barcode is not the real deal. There are many fakes out there (including some on Amazon that have a gray bottle lid and have read 605592 160356. That does not mean it's the real deal. The original Aloe Rid 5 ounce bottles had a blue lid and the barcode was 05592 16035 exactly.
How can you be sure it's the real deal? We verify this ourselves at purchase. We have also been around for over 20 years at this point. Our long history and record for customer service and product reliability speak for themselves.
What the gallons look like:
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