When you are short on time and can't do a full 10 day and you are a daily, extreme user, you can try a "Combo" of the 5 day detox program, and the Mega Clean Flush Drink.
Keep in mind, this does not provide 100% chance of passing. More like 80 to 90%, depending on your overall use of toxins, when the last time was that you used, and how frequently you used.
You start with the 5 day detox program. http://www.testclear.com/Pass-Court-Drug-Test-C6.aspx . It will cleanse you of most of the unwanted toxins in the body. Just make sure that you stay clean after you do the detox. Also make sure you pick up the free tester that comes with the detox kit. Then you finish up on the day of the test with this toxin flush: http://www.testclear.com/Mega-Clean-Cleansing-Drink-P45C6.aspx It's a great product for minimizing the toxins in your body when you need it done quickly. Just remember since it's a flush, that means it doesn't last very long.
Take the Mega Clean 1.5 hours before your test for best results. You can skip taking the Fiber Drink entirely when using the Mega Clean.
You can take fewer days (if your time is even more limited). Try and select the maximum number of days you can do with at least 12 hours between the end of your detox program and the time you test. That will ensure your best results. The longer you are able to detox, the better your chances at success. The same goes for being clean. The longer you have been clean, the better you do on the detox.
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